Staff Overview

Staff Positions

All staff positions are volunteer positions. Staff members are asked to provide their order of preference for the positions they are seeking. Staff placement is based on need and experience with that position. Please read the descriptions prior to applying.

Medical Team and Lifeguards

Nurses and lifeguards who have been contacted by the Camp Committee and have been asked to fill out an additional application, please follow the Apply Now link at the top of this page.

If you are a certified Medical Professional/Lifeguard but have not been contacted by the Camp Committee, please contact the Camp Committee via email to express your interest and assess need at prior to applying.

General Requirements

  • COUNSELOR and PROGRAM STAFF applicants MUST be 18 years of age or older in order to volunteer at Hye Camp. If you are currently 17, but have graduated high school, you may still apply to be a counselor or program staff member. Please review all of the Staff pages prior to beginning the application process.

  • The Counselor-In-Training (CIT) Program has been created for applicants who are 17-years-old. You will likely be placed with an experienced counselor and participate in two training sessions during the week. If you are under 18 years old at the time of application: Your application must be reviewed by a parent or legal guardian before submitting.

  • All staff are required to attend a mandatory in-person staff training. First time staff members must also complete supplementary training videos sent to them.

  • LIVE SCAN BACKGROUND CHECK - All staff (including volunteers and paid staff) must have a live scan background check completed for the Western Diocese before they will be cleared for participation in our Hye Camp program. We will be offering live scan services at the in-person training and the Camp Committee will cover the costs. If you completed live scan for Hye Camp last year, you DO NOT need to complete it again

  • COUNSELOR TRAINING RETREAT - All counselors and counselors in training (CIT) staff are required to attend this additional retreat at HYE CAMP. This specialized retreat will be focused on the areas needed for counselors to feel confident and prepared in their role. It is also a great opportunity to bond with other counselors and the directing team you will be working with. This retreat will take place at Hye Camp from May 30th - June 1st*



As a counselor you will be assigned to one of twelve cabins on "Camper Hill." These cabins are furnished with bunk beds and sleep as many as 16 people. There is a bathhouse located in the center of Camper Hill, detached from the cabins, which you will share with campers and other counselors.


As a member of the program staff you will be assigned to one of eight staff cabins or housing that is connected to the lodge. Of the eight staff cabins two sleep four people and six sleep four people. All have bunk beds and a bathroom. There is also a four-plex that has four separate rooms, each sleeps four people and has a bathroom. There are four rooms connected to the lodge and all share one bathroom.

The director for the week will assign housing for each counselor and staff member and you will be given that information upon arrival to camp. The Property page contains photos of staff housing.

Addition Information

Please take a moment to review this additional information including our Staff Code of Ethics, Hye Camp Rules, & What to Pack

To Our Volunteers…

Hye Camp would not be possible without the sacrifices and dedication of our amazing volunteers. We are eternally grateful for all you have done and will continue to do.

"For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

Romans 1:20