For Tomorrow And For Generations To Come

Donations and Project Wish List


Ice Machine

One of our top wishlist items is to replace our ice machine in the mess hall. Our current machine is no longer functional and is a key part of keeping our campers nice and cool!

Budget: $7,000



We were able to replace 50 of our oldest camper mattresses last year, now our wish is to complete the job by replacing the additional 85!

Budget: $200 Each / $17,000 Total

Water Bottle Refill Stations

It's been a while since our water fountains have been updated. These stations will be placed throughout camp and will include the much needed water bottle fillers!

Budget: $3,500 Each/ $10,500 Total


Camp Office Remodel

Last year we cleaned up our office and brought in new desks and chairs and added a new door and A/C. Our wish is to update the office by replacing the windows and floors and exterior paint!

Budget: $6,000


Want to make a general donation?

2024 Project

Wish List

One of our major goals is to improve the rentability of our property. We often have smaller groups of 20 - 60 people inquiring about rentals and renting out the whole property for those smaller groups is cost prohibitive. However, with an upgrade to the current staff houses and duplexes, we would be able to rent the property in smaller sections making it more accessible and affordable to smaller groups and would bring in more renters and income overall.

Staff Cabin Upgrades

Woodpeckers and weather have worn the structures over the years. This project includes new windows, doors, flooring, decks, kitchen and more! This will help with small group rentals too!

Budget: $25,000 Each/ $50,000 Total

Duplex Upgrades

Our duplexes are also ready for an upgrade! This project entails updating the bathrooms, new windows and doors, adding a kitchenette and more!

Budget: $10,000 Each/ $20,000 Total


Want to contribute to a larger project?

Interested in having your name on a project?

Contact us or click on the Donate button